Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Wild Weekly Photo Challenge – Clouds

Clouds can be  inconsequential or downright dangerous. 
Filling the sky with fluffy floaters and wisps 
or with snow, rain, hail or rainbows, 
the clouds above us, 
along with other factors of course, 
control our days. 

Each of these shots is from the same viewpoint.  

It is right outside my back door.
Each day I open the door and look up at the clouds.

I marvel at their beauty.

My grandmother told me that even as a small child 
I had her look up into the sky while I described the clouds to her.

Clouds have been a life-long fascination.

For a little music to accompany your day, here is Joni Mitchell.  
She looks at clouds too.


Anonymous said...

Lovely clouds

Bob Bushell said...

I love the skyscapes, beautiful.