Friday, June 07, 2013

Wild Weekly Photo Challenge – Camouflage

 Cedar Waxwings are beautiful birds 
who visit my ancient orchard in every season.  

 They are of such a colour that they are hidden quite well 
even when there are no leaves on the trees.

I’m participating in’s Wild Weekly Photo Challenge. This week’s Challenge is: Camouflage!


Carol Tiffin James said...

Gorgeous! Ed says thanks for the ID as he has been seeing these birds in our yard but had no idea what they were.

lagottocattleya said...

Wonderfully beautiful birds - but also camouflaged.

Tina´s PicStory said...

great shot! a really hidden bird :)

Rachel said...

Pretty awesome. And your photos are pretty inspiring. I hope I was able to say it pretty well.

Bob Bushell said...

Aren't they beautiful?